explain the view of human nature as propounded by person centred approach and discuss the techniques given by it.
View of human nature in Person centered counseling
Implicit in person center counseling is a practical view of human nature: people are essential good (Rogers 1961). Humans are characteristically positive, forward-moving, constructive, realistic and trustworthy. Each person is aware, inner directed and moving toward self-actualization from infancy on.
According to Rogers, self actualization is the most prevalent and motivating drive of existence and encompasses actions that influence the total person. The organism has one basic tendency and striving, to actualize, maintain and enhance the experiencing organism. Person centered theories believe that each person is capable of finding a personal meaning and purpose in life. Dysfunctionality is really a failure to lean and change.
Rogers views the individual form a phenomenological perspective. What is important is the person’s perception of reality rather that an event itself. This way of seeing the person is similar to Adler’s. The concept of self is another idea that Rogers and Adler share. But for Rogers the concept is central to his theory that his ideas are often referred to as self theory. The self is an outgrowth of what a person experiences, and awareness of self helps a person differential himself or herself from others (Nye 2000)
For a healthy self to emerge, a person reeds positive regard- love, warmth, care, respect and acceptance. But in childhood, as well as later in life, a person often receives conditional regard from parents and others. Feelings of worth develop if the person behaves in certain ways because conditional acceptance teaches the person to feel valued only when conforming to other wishes. Thus, a person may have to deny or distort a perception when someone on whom the person depends for approval sees a situation differently.
An individual who is caught in such dilemma becomes aware of incongruities between self perception and experience. If a person does not do as others wish, he or she will not be accepted and valued. Yet if a person conforms, he or she opens up a gap between the ideal self and the real self. The future the ideal self is from the real self, the more alienated and maladjustment a person becomes.
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