Explain the word-play on the words then stood as fair as any comer'. Refer to what the listener had said earlier about his complexion. (Marchant of Venice).
MOROCCO : Don’t dislike me for my complexion, The dark clothing of the polished sun, To whom I am a neighbor, and born near it. Bring me the fairest creature born in the north, Where the sun’s fire hardly thaws the icicles, And let’s make a cut for your love To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine. I tell you, lady, this face of mine Has feared the valiant; by my love, I swear The best-regarded virgins of my country Have loved it too. I would not change this color, Except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen.
Word Meaning With Annotation
Complexion : colour. To shadowed livery of the burnish’d sun : “The dark colour which the fierce sun bestows.” “livery” is the uniform which a rich man uses for all his servants. Hence a “shadowy” or sun burnt skin is said to be the distinctive uniform or dress which the sun bestows on those who live in hot countries, neighbour : and near bred, the hot countries are near to the sun, and hence may be regarded as closer neighbours to it than cold countries, “near bred” may be read as “closely allied.” fairest: whitest; of lightest skin. Phoebus’ fire : “the heat of the sun”. Phoebus is the Greek name for the sun-god. icicles : long pointed spikes of ice. make incision : the old surgical term for the opening of a “vein. To prove whose blood is reddest : the old idea was that the most courageous man had reddest blood. The blood of a coward was always supposed to be of a pale colour, best regarded : “most respected.” Except to steal your thoughts : “unless it were to attract your thoughts of love.