Explain three important roles of the South African media with regard to the covid -19 pandemic
states and local governments declare shelter-in-place orders and shut down non-essential businesses, law enforcement officers will need to enforce these rules and disperse crowds of people at gatherings and other events. There is some apprehension that enforcement actions could require detention and fines,
which could raise additional public safety and civil liberty concerns. Local government officials’ understanding of the critical role law enforcement plays in their community will shape the effectiveness of the local government’s plans to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
AnsIn the face of COVID-19, social media is a great way for individuals and communities to stay connected even while physically separated.
During the 1918 flu pandemic, which the CDC estimates infected a third of the world’s population, people didn’t have the same sources of communication we now have in the 21st century to quickly share news and information. For context, a public health report on Minneapolis’s response to the 1918 flu shows that critical information regarding the virus was primarily shared via postal workers, Boy Scouts, and teachers. Can you imagine having learned about COVID-19 from a Boy Scout knocking on your door, encouraging you to wash your hands?
With the advent of social media in the 21st century, not only are we learning the latest news updates, but we’re also using platforms like Facebook and Twitter to provide personal and business updates. For businesses, this means leveraging social media to support employees and customers like never before. For the government, it means doing its best to efficiently share factual and up-to-date information.