explain what was the the tripartite struggle
1. All the ruling dynasties of the early medieval period had their own areas of influence, but they often tried to control other areas for more wealth.
2. One such lucrative area was Kanauj in the Ganges Valley which led to the tripartite struggle.
3. It is between Palas, Gujara- Pratiharas and Rastrakutas.
4. It is said that the main cause of the struggle was the desire to possess the city of Kanauj which was the symbol of sovereignty.
5. This warfare was also for control over the fertile regions of Gangetic valley.
6. One of the prime reasons for their conflict was the desire to have control over the riches beyond their own territories.
7. This was possibly because the rulers needed huge amounts of wealth to enhance their military prowess.
8. They also tried to demonstrate their power and resources by building large temples.
9. At the end, Gujara- Pratiharas wins the struggle.