Chemistry, asked by Ujjwalshrma6457, 1 year ago

explain why ionic solids are hard and brittle


Answered by Anonymous
Ionic solids are hard because of the strong force of attraction between positive and negative ions or
Because of the strong electostatic forces between atoms .

They are brittle because of the low mobility of defects called dislocation present in ionic solids.
Answered by itzAshuu


ioNic soLiDs aRe HaRD aND BRiTTLe.

ioNic soLiDs aRe HaRD aND BRiTTLe Because iN ioNic soLiDs THe coNsTiTueNT PaRTicLes aRe ioNs aND THey aRe HeLD TogeTHeR iN 3- DimeNsioNaL aRRaNgemeNTs By THe eLecTRosTaTic FoRce oF aTTRacTioN.

so, Due To sTRoNg eLecTRosTaTic FoRce, THese cHaRgeD ioNs aRe HeLD TogeTHeR iN FiXeD PosiTioN.

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