Explain why Mir jafar is callled a pupet ruler .
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Mir Zafar is called puppet ruler because he worked according to the will of the Britishers. In the battle of Plassey Mir Zafar actually didn't fought properly ,i.e, according to the will of Sirajuddaulah, he did actually become a puppet of Britishers. That's why Mir Zafar is called a puppet ruler
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the Battle of Plassey and mark the beginning of the Company rule in India. Nawab became a mere puppet in the hands of the English and retained his position as long as he enjoyed their favour. Mir Jafar give the English a huge war compensation. EEIC also levied heavy demands of revenue on him. major person realise that he could not meet the demands of English East India Company therefore he was deposed by the company and his son-in-law Mir Qasim was placed on the Throne. Mir Qasim did not proved to be as pliable as his father in law he reorganize the army along European line and also improve the administration of the state. in order to check the misuse of the Dastaks . Mir Qasim abolished the taxes on internal trade completely this place Indian merchants on the same level as the company which EEIC found unacceptable. Mir Qasim was ousted in 1763 and Mir Zafar was placed on the Throne once again. Mir Jafar signed the Treaty with the English giving the company the right to use its own the Dastaks free of duties and custom Taxes.
Hope you will like the answer.
With warm regards,
Shrest Kumar Pandit
[email protected]
One of the Future IAS officer of India
Hope you will like the answer.
With warm regards,
Shrest Kumar Pandit
[email protected]
One of the Future IAS officer of India
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