Social Sciences, asked by rathersamiullah8069, 1 year ago

Explain why we need to save the biodiversity of our planet


Answered by barathsanthosh
Biodiversity means how varied life is on the planet or in a particular system, from amoebas and bacteria up to plant life and animals.[1] Biodiversity is important because it helps create resilient ecosystems that survive threats like climate change, loss of habitat, and pollution.[2],[3] As humans are dependent on these ecosystems for life, they need to be preserved by conserving the biodiversity of the planet.[4] You can help protect biodiversity by changing your personal habits, volunteering, and helping to enact legislation that protects biodiversity on a larger scale.

Don't consume as much. Products from food and daily care items to books and entertainment items require resources to make, taking away from biodiversity. Anytime one resource is consumed or produced, it can affect the ecosystem of the area in various ways, such as by destroying the natural habitat (for plowed fields), polluting the area (oil spills), and reducing natural resources (trees for paper), all of which can decrease the biodiversity of an area. By consuming less, you affect the environment less


Eat organic. While organic produce and foods still require the use of natural resources, they are less destructive since they are not polluting the environment with pesticides. Also, pesticides kill off insects, which can destroy whole species over time.


Buy fair trade products. While the main focus of fair trade is to ensure producers in other countries are being paid fairly, it also helps to protect local ecosystems, partially by encouraging sustainable farming. Look for the "Fair Trade" label on products.

Use less energy. Like products and food, the retrieval of energy affects ecosystems, such as off-shore drilling than can disturb wildlife and create oil spills. You can use less energy by turning off lights and electronics when they're not in use, running the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full, using the car less, and not running the air conditioner and heater as much.

You can replace older appliances for more energy efficient ones--look for the "Energy Star" label.[8] You can also keep appliances more efficient by maintaining them properly and replacing things like filters as needed.

Solar panels are another way to reduce your overall dependence on non-renewable energy sources. You can have them installed on your roof or in your backyard to provide your home with electricity.

In addition to using less resources, using less energy helps to reduce emissions. Emissions contribute to climate change, which can harm biodiversity as ecosystems change.

Carpool or ride public transportation to work to cut down on energy use.[9]


Look for other sustainable labels when purchasing products. Labels like "Green Seal Certified," "FSC" (Forest Stewardship Council), "LEED Certified," "Rain Forrest Alliance Certified," and "Marine Stewardship Council" indicate the producer's dedication to sustainability.[10]


Avoid souvenirs made from bone, fur, or leather. If you don't know the origin of these products, buying them while on vacation, especially in other countries, can encourage continued poaching.[11]


Plant native species in your garden. Non-native species can be invasive and crowd out native species, decreasing their population. In addition, the non-native species can be spread to other areas through wind and animals.[12]

As an added bonus, planting native species means the plants will grow better in your area. If you're in an arid or hot climate, you will not need to water native species as much.

Another option for your backyard is to create a landscape that can be a "Certified Wildlife Habitat," as laid out by the National Wildlife Foundation. Essentially, you would be creating an environment conducive to animals raising their young in your backyard.[13]


Don't litter or pollute. Both of these can harm wildlife, decreasing biodiversity.[14]

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