Explana every thing About Tuberculosis ... it's prevention and symptoms ........
Early warning signs
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms of TB disease include:
feeling sick or weak
loss of appetite and weight loss
chills, fever, and night sweats
a severe cough that lasts for 3 weeks or more
chest pain
TB can also affect other parts of the body. Symptoms will depend on the part it affects.
During a latent stage, TB has no symptoms. When TB is active TB, the cough, fever, and other symptoms can appear.
While TB usually affects the lungs, it can also affect other parts of the body, and the symptoms will vary accordingly.
Without treatment, TB can spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream:
The bones: There may be spinal pain and joint destruction.
The brain: It can lead to meningitis.
The liver and kidneys: It can impair the waste filtration functions and lead to blood in the urine.
The heart: It can impair the heart's ability to pump blood, resulting in cardiac tamponade, a condition that can be fatal.
If you have active TB, a face mask can help lower the risk of the disease spreading to other people.
A few general measures can be taken to prevent the spread of active TB.
Avoiding other people by not going to school or work, or sleeping in the same room as someone, will help to minimize the risk of germs from reaching anyone else.
Wearing a mask, covering the mouth, and ventilating rooms can also limit the spread of bacteria.
Tuberculosis is a chronic disease .
tuberculosis is a number one health problem it is serious infectious disease. tuberculosis is caused by a slender tiny rod shaped bacteria which can be seen under the high power microscope . the bacteria can infect any part of the body but their favourite side is lung . the germs of tuberculosis are capable of surviving in both moist and dry sputum for a rapidly and millions of these are caused by patients suffering from lung TB. the bacteria of tuberculosis release tuberculin , a toxin which cause fever loss of weight and generally weakness in the patient .
= >Good nutrition diet is recommended
= >Dwelling place shouldb be naturally lighted airy when sun rays reach in abundance.
= >TB patient should be insulated their clothes utensils and beddings should not be used by any other person .
= > Immunization with BCG vaccine.
= > Prolonged treatment of the disease under medical supervision .
= >The patient feel sick and weak.
= >Gradual loss of weight.
= >Typical kar fever and night sweets are common.
= >Other symptoms differ depending upon the site where tuberculosis has affected the body . however the tuberculosis of lungs is most common.
= > In tuberculosis of lungs ,persistent cough with blood stained sputum and fever are the main symptoms .
= > Gradual loss weight weakness pigeon shaped chest and sunken eyes are the other symptoms.