Explanation of male reproductive organ
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Male Reproductive system consists of some parts such as Testes, Epididymitis, Vas deferens, Penis, Urethra and some glands.
⏭️ Testis are the primary sex organs of male. They produce testosterone.
⏭️ Epididymitis is an elongated and flattened structure present on the lateral side of the testis.
⏭️ Vas deferens is a long narrow and tubular structure which starts from epididymitis. It conducts the sperms by peristalsis.
⏭️ Urethra acts as urinogenetic canal.
Explanation of male reproductive organ?
Testis is the main reproductive organ.
Two oval shaped testis are located outside the abdominal cavity in a special sack called scrotum, because for sperm production a temperature of 1-3°C lower than the body temperature is required.
Production and release of mature sperm
Production of male reproductive hormone - testosterone.
→Growth of voice box, this makes the voice box visible and known as Adams apple
→Growth of moustache, or beard
→Shoulders get broader
→On an average adult males are taller than adult females
Female reproductive system
→Human female body consists of two ovaries located on either side of lower abdominal cavity.
→When a girl is born ovary already contains thousands of immature eggs.
→On reaching puberty some of the eggs start maturing and one egg is released alternatively every month.
→ Production and release of mature ovum.
→ Release of female reproductive hormone oestrogen and progesterone.
→ Uterus opens outside through a passage called vagina.
→The opening between uterus and vagina is guarded by a bunch of muscles called curvix