Math, asked by kgurnoor3770, 9 months ago

Express the following in the form where p and q are integers, and q≠0. 0.12545454…


Answered by nehasingh202005


Step-by-step explanation:

let x= 0.12545454......                  (  note here 12does not repeat but the block 54 repeats since two digits are repeating so , we multiply x by 100 to get solution]    therefore 100 x x=0.125454...x100                                                                   100x= 12.54545....            ,100x=12.42-0.125454......                                                100x= 12.42 +x   [ as x=0.125454...]                                                                                  100x- x = 12.42                                                                                                                 99x= 12.42       ., x=12.42/99   and x= 12.42x100 /99x 100  [ by multiplying with 100 in both numnerator and in denominator ]                                                             therefore now  x= 1242/9900   and  x= 69/550  

Answered by bhaskarreddytilati

express 12.42 in the form of P/Q

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