Math, asked by TbiaSupreme, 1 year ago

f: R—>Z, f(x) =⌈x⌉ (Ceiling function) ,Examine if given function have an inverse. Find inverse, if it exists.


Answered by abhi178
Ceiling function is the least integer which is greater than or equal to x. it is denoted by ceil(x) or \lceil{x}\rceil
for example :- \lceil{2.4}\rceil=3

f : R ----->Z , f(x) = \lceil{x}\rceil
f(x) will be inversible only when f(x) is one one as well as onto function.

Let's check function is one one or not.
take two points x1 = 1.2 , x2 = 1.4 in its domain {e.g., R} such that f(x1) = f(x2) , if we get , x1 = x2 in f(x1) = f(x2) we can say f(x) is one one function otherwise it is many one.

f(x1) = f(1.2) = \lceil{1.2}\rceil=2
f(x2) = f(1.4) = \lceil{1.4}\rceil=2
here , f(x1) = f(x2) but x1 ≠ x2
hence, it is clear that function is not one one.

hence, function is not inversible function.
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