fabric deficiency
types of fabric
Defects Classification
Defects are broadly classified as minor, major, and critical defects. Minor defects include small faults which have no influence on the purchase of the product. Major defects are those which when exposed, are likely to affect the purchase of the product and are hence categorised as seconds. Critical defects would cause an entire roll to be rated as a second or worse.
In terms of quality standards, the defects on the fabric surface are categorized into two: surface colour change and local texture irregularity. Further, the defects can be classified as:
Yarn Defects
Weaving Defects
Isolated Defects
Pattern Defects
Wet Processing Defects
Raising Defects
Milling Defects
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This is a plain weave that alternates one warp (lengthwise) end passing successively over and under two weft (cross) picks, alternating each row, 1 x 2. This results in a coarser and weaker fabric.
Know Our Sheets - Petal
Defect Severity
Drop Stitching Major
Dropped Pick Major
Drawbacks Major