farmer wants to grow more fodder from his field what are the desirable characters of the crop
. (a) Farmer A wants to grow fodder crops while farmer B wants to grow cereals. Mention the agronomic characteristics which the two farmer would desire in their respective crops. 5
(b) List any four other factors for which variety improvement is done.
(c) Name and define the process of incorporating desirable characteristics into crops.
Ans: (a) For fodder crop – Tallness and profuse branching and Cereal crop - Dwarfness
(b) Higher yield, biotic and abiotic resistance, changes in maturity duration, Improved quality, wider adaptability.
(c) Hybridization. : It is the process of crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.
Desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements are: (a) Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops. (b) Dwarfness is desired in cereals, so that less nutrients are consumed by these crops.