farmers protest essay in english
At the center of the protests are agriculture reforms prompted by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which pushed three farming laws through Parliament in September 2020.
Introduction (Essay On Farmers Protest In English)
The government has described these Farm bills as giving new freedom to farmers after independence.
According to the government, the farmers will be empowered by these bills and will be able to enter into agreements with multinational companies, big traders, etc.
According to the new Farm bill 2020, the farmer can sell his crop in any market at the desired price. With this, farmers will get better options to sell their produce.
Earlier middlemen used to acquire a major part of the farmers’ income, but now farmers will get freedom from them.The new system will eliminate the compulsion of the farmers to go to the mandi and sell their products to the licensed traders and now the farmer will be the owner of his will.
That is, the producers will get more freedom by preparing the private market, whether the producers go to the APMC market or the private market. This will boost the thinking of “one nation one agricultural market“.
Also, now farmers will not have to go round for payment and settlement of disputes, but the settlement and payment of the dispute will be ensured within the stipulated time, but the farmers believe that this bill is anti-farmer.