features of ms Word 2007
. Push Pins
As you work on documents, they appear in the Recent Documents list under the Office button in the top left corner. A single click on one re-opens it for editing, until it's pushed off the bottom of the list by new arrivals. Clicking the push pin sticks the document to the list for as long as you need to work on it.
2. Table Styles
Tables are a great way to present information, and now, it's easy to make them pretty with the built-in table styles.
3. Smart Art
Attractive, easy to use, pre-created charts and diagrams come in handy and save time when I want to add some visual interest to a document, as an alternative to a table.
4. Cropping Images
I am often pasting screenshots of websites into documents, and I think they are tidier without the browser window around them. I want the viewer to focus just on the web page content. The image cropping tool is invaluable for quickly trimming an image down, without need for external image software.
5. Visual Previews
I love seeing changes happen as I make them, such as when resizing an image or previewing different styles. Such a change from the earliest versions of Word, where you waited many minutes for a page to re-render after adding an image!
6. Track Changes
When collaborating on a document, it's critical to see the changes others make. Enabling this feature makes that such a breeze.
7. Compare Documents
However, if your collaborators forget to track their changes, this feature will find them, by comparing two different versions of the same document. You can easily accept, reject and merge changes into a final version.
8. Inspect Document
After a series of revisions, changes tracked and accepted or rejected, and comments added and removed, running the Document Inspector is wise. It will let you know about any last stray changes and comments, so that the version you release is truly the final one.
Read more about issues related to tracking changes in these two blog posts:
Oops: Tracking Changes in Microsoft Word
MS Office Features for Tracking Revisions
9. Save as PDF
Not everyone has Office 2007, but most people have or can install Adobe Reader or one of several other PDF readers. You can save your document as a PDF directly from Word with no additional software required.
10. The Ribbon Bar
Last but not least, I've found that the grouping of features on the Ribbon Bar really does make sense. A skeptic at heart, I've come to enjoy using this interface over the options buried many levels deep in menus.