English, asked by hemars82, 1 year ago

Few sentence about doctor


Answered by Snehaalmale


It is said to be a noble profession. Thedoctors are considered to be next to god as they save lives on earth. Thedoctors are ready to save lives no matter what time of the day it is, and they are expected to be available all the time as at any time a need for adoctor can arise

please mark as a brainliest answer

Answered by dewang95

"...let me congratulate you on the choice of calling which offers a combination of intellectual and moral interests found in no other profession."

― Sir William Olser (1849 - 1919)

"Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ”

― Hippocrates

“I remind my fellows, residents and medical students that what we do is a privilege. People let us into the most intimate aspects of their lives, and they look to us to help guide them through very complex and delicate situations.”

― Shikha Jain, MD via KevinMD

“In our job, you will never go home at the end of the day thinking that you haven’t done something valuable and important.”

― Suneel Dhand via Doc Thinx


7 essentials physician


When American University of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine’s Admissions Committee examines a candidate, the first thing they assess is his or her capability to become a successful physician. Although these qualities aren’t quantifiable, they are evaluated by the candidate’s potential to demonstrate traits that are shared by some of the best physicians working today. Here are some of them:


Physicians aren’t robots. They’re not just there to insensitively deliver prognoses or mechanically perform complex surgeries. They need heart. Patients respond better to a physician who is empathetic to their needs, so focus on exercising courtesy and compassion with your patients. At AUA, we instill compassion in our students with early hands-on training, which gives them experience interacting with patients. By developing these skills early, our students are better prepared to meet the demands of practicing medicine and master the essentials of patient care.

Strong Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic means you dedicate 100% of yourself to your work every day, regardless of how tired you are or what is going on in your personal life. While this quality will help you succeed in any field, it is especially essential to the practice of medicine. Every day brings a new challenge. Even if you don’t know what those challenges will be, you’ll have to be ready to face them. Preparation is time consuming, but you must put in the effort if you want to succeed.


Simply slipping on a white coat won’t command respect from your patients; it must be earned. As with all encounters, first impressions are paramount. If you are inattentive, impatient, or unkempt, your patient will feel unsatisfied and neglected and will most likely seek the care of another physician. Unlike other Caribbean medical schools, AUA has an Education Department (ED) that fosters your professional skills and decorum.


Physicians need to have encyclopedic medical knowledge that can be recalled at a moment’s notice. They also have to stay on top of the latest medical news and trends, which could contradict something that was learned way back in medical school. In other words, as advancements are made in the field, you’ll have to learn new information that enhances or counters what you’ve already committed to memory. At AUA, ED is available to help you develop methods to retain that knowledge and apply relevant information quickly.


Because a successful physician is highly knowledgeable, he or she must reinforce that with confidence. Patients want to trust their physicians as caregivers, but the lack of self-assurance communicates uncertainty. A physician with strong, healthy confidence will be listened to and respected by patients and colleagues alike. Even if you feel unsure about something, don’t let your patient see it. Instead, consult other resources, specialists, case studies, etc. in order to provide your patient with the most informed treatment. If you want to strengthen your confidence by improving your leadership skills, Urbana University offers an online MBA program designed specifically for aspiring physicians.


Humility and confidence work as a complementary pair. With your patients and colleagues, you must be approachable and available. This means that despite time limitations and over-scheduling, your patient never feels rushed. Hear everything he or she has to say without preemptively voicing your diagnosis. You must also be willing to admit when you’re unsure about something and especially willing to ask questions. A physician is a lifelong learner and these situations should strengthen your resolve.


Promising medical school applicants don’t want to become physicians because of the salary. They apply because they have a passion for the study and practice of medicine. Their passion makes them disciplined and willing to sacrifice other opportunities to better their career. If you are dedicated to improving the lives of others and can spend long nights hovering over patient charts, then you’ve applied to the right profession.

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