English, asked by Barikalpana, 7 months ago

Fill in each of the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. A sickle is a kind ______ knife ______ a short handle and a sharp, curved edge.
2.______ it, a man can cut a hectare ______ padi ______ five days.
3.To find the mean temperature ______ a place, the maximum and the minimum temperatures ______ each day ______ the month are added ______ and divided _____ the number _____ days ______ the month.
4.They suspected him ______ having gone ______ the manager to report ______ them ______ coming late to the office.
5.______ three-quarters ______ the land ______ Rainbow Valley is covered ______ forests.
6.The question asks you to show the differences ______ a spider and an insect. You must pass ______ your paper ______ an hour's time.
7.He was ______ his wits' end trying to make a living ______ his wife and children. He also had to pay the landlord three months' rent ______ the end ______ that month, or he would have to shift ______.
8.She lives ______ her family ______ the other end of town. The bus passes ______ her house hourly.
9.You can't compare an engineer ______ a skilled workman. Both ______ them are trained ______ different kinds ______ jobs.
10.The prices ______ essential foodstuffs have not gone ______ at all ______ recent years. Instead, they have gone _____.
11.He listened ______ the radio ______ two hours before he switched it ______ and went ______ bed.
12.______ Arctic lands, travel is easy ______ sledge ______ winter and ______ small boat or canoe ______ summer.
13.He examined the pages _____ the notebook and found that there were ink-marks ______ some ______ them. He held it ______ to the light to see the faint writing more clearly.
14.The boy ran ______ the field when he saw his mother getting ______ of the car. He waved ______ her, but she did not see him.
15.He dropped ______ to sleep while traveling ______ a taxi ______ Newtown.​


Answered by rks181998


I don't understand your question please explain clearly

Answered by ms2885254


1. of, at

2. for, since

3. at,on, for,

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