English, asked by kiran2448, 10 months ago

fill in the blankes USING THE CORRECT OPTION.
1. After few/little/some) days, Mahendra was wake/woke/woken )up by some
noise near his windows
[in /on/during) the night. First he thought that it was some sort
of small animal (as/like) a cat, but the noise became louder (or/and/but) louder
2. When he peeped
(in/into/through) the window, he
thoughted) that he saw a cloudy figure
dutching /clutched /clutch) a bundle near his
window sill Mahendra could not
(slept/ sleep/ sleeping) anymore that night. In the
morning, Iswaran smilingly asked about the sound and the (woman/women ghost he
also complained about how Mahendra
(has/had/ have) chided him the other day.
Mahendra was (too/so/very) upset that he resigned his site job immediately
3.Gradually grandmother accepted Toto (in/into /at) the house and he was
(putted/put/putting)in the stable with Nana, the donkey. But, Toto teased Nana so
(many/much/ more) that Nana never became friends with Toto. In winters, Toto had
the elaborate bathing ritual and enjoyed (bathe/bathing/bathed) with warm water. Due
to this once Toto almost boilled himself lively/alive/live). A kettle had been put on the
or making tea for the family
(nobody/somebody/anybody) was there, he felt the water warm enough for a
bath Sphecimbed in. As the water( keep/keeping/kept) heating up, he kept
hoping/hopping/hopped) in it until grandmother took him out, barely alive. Toto continued
antics by( tear/toring/tearing) clothes to shreds, breaking plates o rando
other utensils et​


Answered by ravi120213


After some days mahendra was woke up by some

Answered by Jasmandeep13


1. Few, woke, during, like, and.

2. through, thought, clutched, sleep, woman, had,so.

3. in, put, much, bathing, alive.

4. nobody, kept, hopping, tearing.

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