Science, asked by dimplesanju87, 1 year ago

Fill in the blanks:
is a well known antibiotic, invented by Alexander Fleming.
are rod-shaped bacteria.
3. The singular of protozoa is called
Dengue is caused by female mosquito, named
5. Turning animal skin into leather is known as
7. Extreme heating and extreme cooling fall in the process of milk preservation and call
Curd and wine are made by the yeast through the process of​


Answered by aditya2007g


[ 1 ]penicillin

[2 ]A bacillus (plural bacilli), or bacilliform bacterium, is a rod-shaped bacterium or archaeon. Bacilli are found in many different taxonomic groups of bacteria. ... When the word is formatted with lowercase and not italicized, 'bacillus', it will most likely be referring to shape and not to the genus at all.

[5]Tanning is the process of treating skins and hides of animals to produce leather. ... Traditionally, tanning used tannin, an acidic chemical compound from which the tanning process draws its name.

[7]Pasteurization is a heat treatment process where the milk is heated at 60-700C for 15 to 30 seconds and suddenly chilled and store. This method is used to kill the bacteria in liquid and foods and inhibits their further growth

mark me as brainliest because ii have worked so hard to type this answer as it is to long

Answered by Generous3007


1) Penicillin is a well known antibiotic, invented by Alexander Fleming.

2) Bacillus are rod-shaped bacteria.

3) The singular of protozoa is called Protozoan.

4) Dengue is caused by female mosquito, named Female Anopheles Mosquito.

5) Turning animal skin into leather is known as Tanning.

6) Extreme heating and extreme cooling fall in the process of milk preservation and called Pasteurization.

7) Curd and wine are made by the yeast through the process of Fermentation.

Hope it helps... ^_^

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