Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given below by choosing the most
appropriate options from the ones that follow. Attempt any four. Write
the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. 1X4=4
The sky was dark.(a)monsoon clouds. It _ (b).rained all night
and (c) rain again. The monsoon rains (d) come early at
(e) end of June.
(a) (i) from (ii) with (iii) over (iv) in
(b) () has (ii) was
(ii) have (iv) had
(e) i will (ii) would (iii) shall (iv) should
(d) ghave (ii) had
(iii) would (iv) will
(e) aithe (ii) an
(iii) a
(iv) some
The sky was dark with monsoon clouds. It had rained all night
and shall rain again. The monsoon rains would come early at
the end of June.
(a) (ii) with
(b) (iv) had
(c) (iii) shall
(d) (iii) would
(e) (i) the
[In order to edit or check the grammar, the first step is to read the extract and have a gist of it. The second step is to evaluate and point out the change which is required to be done. Most often it is the error in the forms of the verb used in the sentences.]
The sky was dark with monsoon clouds it has rained all night and will rain again the monsoon rains will rain again.
So this will be the answer after adding suitable words chosen from the brackets present after each and every fills in the blank.
Now, this makes a meaningful sentence that covers a conversation between two people about monsoon rains.