English, asked by parteekbalda88, 7 months ago

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles where
picnic in
1. They had (a)
woods near their house. They spent
enjoyable hour wading
stream. (e)
stream furtheron.
stream joins (0)
Youth Club in Cherry Park is
2. (a)
organizing (b)
party for
poor children of (d)
district. (e)
party will be held on
Sunday after next (8)
few members of (h)
club have already
started collecting funds for (0) ...........purpose.
3. He is (a)
eccentric old man and
(b) rich one as well. He has (c)
queer habit of sleeping (d)
and remaining awake (e)
whole day
whole night​


Answered by ss7036602

sorry I don't no these answer to this question

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