find 3 irrational and 3 rational numbers between
1) 1/5 and 2/5
2)0.13133133... and 0.242442444...
1) ⅕ and ⅖:-
Rational: 11/50, 6/25, 19/50.
(Remember that ⅕ = 10/50 and ⅖ = 20/50. Now select random numbers between these numbers.)
⅕ = 0.2 and ⅖ = 0.4.
So, irrational numbers include 0.282282228..., 0.499888..., and 0.21221... .
2) 0.131331333... and 0.242442444... :-
Rational: 0.14, 0.15, and 0.16.
Irrational: 0.14411444..., 0.155523849374... and 0.1662226662222... .
A rational number can be expressed in form of p/q where (p, q) ∈ Z and q ≠ 0. Whereas real numbers (not imaginary) which can't be expressed in such form are termed irrational numbers.
The numbers system is vast. Formerly it contained only the real numbers. Later on, humans discovered certain numbers known as imaginary numbers. These imaginary numbers are in form of ± bi where b is any real number and i = √(-1).