find out about famines in yor area. what did people do in those times?
In those times people were farmers and lawyers women were housewifes and don't go to school there job was to cook and clean
There is no famine in my general vicinity or around me because that in India, the brilliant arrangement of water system channels in Punjab (the broadest and astounding on the planet) and in different parts of the nation, have done much to make these terrains safe from starvation, and have brought under development a great many sections of land in the past barren desert.
Famines happen when there is a shortage of nourishment supplies in a particular area or nation. They are because of an assortment of causes. They are generally caused in India by dry spell or lacking precipitation, or by overwhelming downpours and floods.
In former events, the general population of India would frequently stay detached under such appearances. Numerous died because of famine who may have been spared, and substantially more fell victims to the appalling illnesses which so frequently follow in the train of starvation.