Find out from a vet or from a website what precaution a vet has to take, when he is called to treat wild dangerous
We often get phone calls from clients who are concerned about the symptoms their pet are showing, but are unsure whether it is a sign of something more sinister or if things will resolve on their own. Animals are very good at pretending to be well and only showing a few subtle signs that there is any problem at all.
Outlined below are 10 of the most common illness symptoms we often see in pets.
Vomiting and diarrhoea
Lumps or bumps
Bad breath
Appetite or drinking changes
Urine or defaecation changes
Eye or ear problems
Itching/ Skin irritation
Lethargy/ Change in demeanour or activity levels
In general, if your pet is showing any of these signs or you are not sure, it is best to make an appointment with your veterinarian for a thorough check over to identify the possible cause of the symptom and assess the best treatment plan. Book an appointment online today