Find out the longitude of place z when the local time of that place is 10:30 PM and during this time the local time of place X (20 degree East) is 8:20 AM
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If it is 12 noon at Greenwich, calculate the local time of the places located on the following longitudes: 69°E, 30°W and 12°E?, If it is 12 noon at Greenwich, calculate the local time of the places located on the following longitudes: 74°W, 105°E, 120°W?, and many more not mentioning Greenwich. In the past month I have answered at least Greg Lehey's answer to What will be the time at 130 degree west if it is 12 noon at Greenwich?, Greg Lehey's answer to What is the time of a country which is situated at 40 degrees when the time in Greenwich is 12:00 noon
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The simple answer is 3:00PM or 15:00 in the .
Since the earth is divided into 360º of longitude and one rotation takes 24 hours, it means that in one hour the earth rotates through 15º of longitude. 360/24 = 15.
The earth rotates from west to east, so time increases to the east of Greenwich and decreases to the west of the Greenwich meridian.
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