Find out the major neolithic sites from the given map and note them down
→Mehrgarh is the oldest agricultural settlement in the Indian subcontinent Agriculture-based Neolithic settlements.
→Burzhahom and Gufkral in Kashmir are other important sites of which the C-14 dating ranges between 2500-1500 BCE.
→Belan Valley.
The Mesolithic is characterized by microlithic or small pointed & "shar stone tools" while the Neolithic is characterized by the use of "polished stone tools" & the start of agriculture.
List of Neolithic Sites in India
- Burzahom , Gufkaral : Kashmir
- Chopani , Mahagarha : Uttar Pradesh
- Chechar : Bihar
- Brahmagiri , Tekkalkota , Sanganakallu , Narsipur , Hallur, Kupgal , Kodekal: Karnataka
- Utnur , Piklihal: Andhra Pradesh
- Poyampali : Tamil Nadu
The Neolithic Period was the last & third portion of the Stone Age. This indicates the Modern Stone Age. It was around 7000 B.C. in India. To 1000 B.C. To 1000 In the Neolithic Period, settled agriculture is primarily evolved and polished stone-made tools and weapons are used. Ragi, horse gram, corn, cotton, barley, & wheat were among the main crops cultivated during this phase. In this period, pottery appeared first.
To know more
Mention two important discoveries of the Neolithic Age ? -