Find out the pronunciation and usage of any ten Irregular Verbs from an online dictionary and share with your class.find out the pronunciation and uses of any ten irregular verbs from an online dictionary and share with your class.
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Irregular verbs.
- Irregular verb follows a different type of pattern and shows its importance.
- The patterns are like know- knew, drink- drank and blow-blew, etc.
- Some irregular verbs can be the same and can be pronounced the same as well.
- The most common irregular verbs are these.
- 1. Meet, met, met.
- 2. Pay, paid, paid.
- 3. Put, put, put.
- 4. Read, read, read.
- 5. Beat, beat, beaten.
- 6. Become, became become.
- 7. Blow, blew, blown.
- 8. Bring, brought, brought.
- 9. Buy, bought, bought.
- 10. Catch, caught, caught.
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What are regular and irregular verbs?
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