Find square root of 309625 by long divison method
Step-by-step explanation:
Square root of a perfect square by
the long division method:
1 ) Group the digits in pairs, starting
with the digit in the units place.
Each pair and the remaining digit is
called a period.
2 ) Find the largest number whose
square is equal to or just less than
the first period. Take this number as
the divisor and as the quotient.
3 ) Subtract the product of the divisor
and the quotient from the first period
and bring down the next period to
the right of the remainder. This
becomes the new dividend.
4 ) Now, the new divisor is obtained
by taking two the quotient and
annexing with it a suitable digit which
is also taken as the next digit of the
quotient chosen in such a way that
the product of the new divisor and
this digit is equal to or just less than
the new dividend.
5 ) Repeat steps 2, 3and 4 till the
periods have been taken up.
6 ) 39 06 25 ( 625
122 ) 306
Sqrt (390625) = 625
I hope this will useful to you