Find the distance between each pair of points on the coordinate plane answer the questions that follow?
use the same formula and find all the distances of these points.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given points
1) M ( 2,-3 ) N(10, -3 ) 6) C ( -3, 2) D( 9,7)
2) P ( 3,-7 ) Q( 3, 8) 7) S ( -4,-2) T( 1,7)
3) C ( -4,3 ) D ( 7,6 ) 8) K ( 3,-3) L ( -3, 7)
4) A ( 2,3 ) B (14,8) 9) E( 7,1) F (-6,5)
5) X (-3, 9 ) Y( 2,5) 10) R(4,7) S ( -6,-7)
⇒ here we need to find distance between pair of points
⇒ the distance between any two points on coordinate plane
1) M(2,-3) N(10, -3) ⇒
⇒ = = 8
2) P (3,-7) Q (3,8) ⇒
⇒ = = 15
3) C (-4,3) D( 7,6) ⇒
⇒ = =
4) 4) A ( 2,3 ) B (14,8) ⇒
⇒ =
⇒ = 13
5) X (-3, 9 ) Y( 2,5) ⇒
⇒ =
6) C ( -3, 2) D( 9,7) ⇒
⇒ = = = 13
7) S ( -4,-2) T( 1,7) ⇒
⇒ =
8) K ( 3,-3) L ( -3, 7) ⇒
⇒ =
9) E( 7,1) F (-6,5) ⇒
⇒ =
10) R(4,7) S ( -6,-7) ⇒
⇒ = = = 2
questions answers
⇒ aligned means arranging in certain row or column
⇒ If the points aligned either horizontally or vertically always use the above formula