Physics, asked by Krishnadinkar, 1 year ago

find the distance between two objects using 1) radar method 2) sonar method 3) laser method


Answered by Misbah23
1)LASER Method

LASER is an abbreviation for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations. It is very intense, monochromatic and unidirectional beam of light. The distance of moon from earth has been calculated by this method, using the same principle of ‘Echo’. The laser beam transmitted from earth is received back on earth after reflection from the moon. The time interval ‘t’ between transmission and reception of the beam is measured accurately. If ‘C’ is the velocity of laser beam in air or vacuum, then distance ‘S’ between earth and moon can be calculated as :



RADAR is an abbreviation for RAdio Detection And Ranging. Radio waves are sent into space from a transmitter. If an airplane comes between the path of radio waves, they are reflected back and detected by a detector. In this equipment, radio waves with traveling speed of c=3X108m/s are used. Measuring time interval between transmission and detection, the distance of the airplane can be computed by the formula


SONAR is an abbreviation for SOund NAgivation and Ranging. This method is used for detecting an object under water and measuring its distance using ultrasonics. Here again, the same reflection method is used. The distance ‘S’ of the sea rock from any observation point is given by


where ‘V’ is velocity of ultrasonic waves in sea water and ‘t’ is the time interval between transmission and reception of ultrasonic signal.

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