find the effective resistance between
i} R( a-b)
ii} R (a-c)
iii} R (a-d)

I did a bit of juggling of the question first i did the first part then i did the third part and then the second part. In the first part the effective resistance between A and B will be 11R/4 as the current will not go in C and D branch it will directly go from A to B firstly all three central resistances are in series and their sum will be 3R then 3R will be in parallel with R then their sum will be 3R/4 and then all three i.e. R , 3R/4 , R will be in series and their sum will be 11R/4. Same is for the effective resistance between A and C . In the third part between A and D there are 4 resistances in which 2 of them are series and other 2 are also in series and their sum will be 2R and both these 2Rs are in parallel and their sum is R and all three resistances i.e. R,R,R are in series and their sum is 3R .The solution is in the attachment.