find the HCF of 32 64 72 by prime number
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for :
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers :
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of :
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F (min)
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F (min) 2 6 3 5 3
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F (min) 2 6 3 5 33 0 2 0 0
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F (min) 2 6 3 5 33 0 2 0 0 GCF = 23
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F (min) 2 6 3 5 33 0 2 0 0 GCF = 23Greatest Common Factor is :
Calculate Greatest Common Factor for : 64, 72 and 32Factorize of the above numbers : 64 = 26 72 = 23 • 32 32 = 25 Build a prime factors table Number of times each prime factor appears in the factorization of : Prime Factor Number 64 Number 72 Number 32 G.C.F (min) 2 6 3 5 33 0 2 0 0 GCF = 23Greatest Common Factor is :8
hey we can't solve this question
because we have to solve it by orime numbers