Find the HCF of 81 and 237 and express it as a linear combination of 81 and 237
Given integers are 81 and 237 such that 81<237.
Applying division lemma to 81 and 237, we get
Since the remainder 75=0. So, consider the divisor 81 and the remainder 75 arndapply division lemma to get
We consider the new divisor 75 and the new remainder 6 and apply division lemma to get
We consider the new divisor 6 and the new remainder 3 and apply division lemma to get
The remainder at this stage is zero. So, the divisor at this stage or the remainder at the earlier stage i.e. 3 is the HCF of 81 and 237.
To represent the HCF as a linear combination of the given two numbers, we start from the last but one step and successively eliminate the previous remainder as follows:
From (iii), we have
⇒3=237x+81y, where x=1