Find the L.C.M of 24, 28 and 196 by division method
Given number for the LCM are 24, 28, and 196.
To find:
Now we have to find the lcm of given numbers using division method.
Step 1: Write the given numbers in a horizontal line, separating them by commas.
Step 2: Divide them through a suitable prime number, which accurately divides at least two of the given numbers.
Step 3: We put the quotient directly under the numbers in the next row. If the number is not divided exactly, we pay it down in the next row.
Step 4: We maintain the process of step 2 and step 3 until all co-prime numbers are left in the last row.
Step 5: We generate all the prime numbers by which we have divided and the co-prime numbers left in the last row. This product is the LCM of the given numbers.
2 [ 24, 28, 196
2 [ 12, 14, 98
2 [ 6, 7, 49
7 [ 6, 1, 7
lcm of 24, 28, 196 = 2*2*2*7*6*1*7 = 2352
So the final answer is 2352.