Find the LCM of the following numbers by the common divison method:- 175,168,350
Least Common Factor (LCM)
The LCM of two or more given numbers is the least number which is exactly divisible by each one of them.
Example :- 10 is the common multiple of 2 and 5
35 is the common multiple of 5 and 7 etc.
Methods for finding LCM
( i ) By Factorization method
According to this method, firstly we have to write down the prime factors of the given number. Then, the LCM is the product of the highest powers of all the factors.
( ii ) By Prime Factors Method
According to this method, firstly we have to resolve the given numbers into their prime factors and then find the product of the highest power of all the factors that occur in the given numbers.
Following are the LCM of 175, 168, 350 :-
2×2×2×3×5×5×7 = 4200
∴ LCM of 175, 168 and 350 is 4200