English, asked by arjunROHIT, 8 months ago

Find the missing words:-
The koel generally considered a)____________________
the musical among the Indian birds. Many b)____________________
Indians poets have sung its praises ancient c)____________________
times. In the spring season, all through day d)____________________
and night, one hear the koel sing. At the e)____________________
approach winter, the bird becomes silent, f)____________________
and then it migrates warmer parts. The g)____________________
koel is strange bird, as it never builds its own h)____________________
nest. The mother bird lays her eggs a crow’s nest.
*if if anyone give me the right answer next time I will give him 60 points*​


Answered by Calixnte



Refer the above pic.

Hope my answer helps you Dear.. ✌️



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