find the smallest whole number which is exactly divisible by 3/2, 4/3, 9/4, 7/2, 21/5
Take lcm of denominators which is 60 . Now convert you fraction in
Take LCM of Numerators which is 15120 . So your number will be
The fractions 3/2, 4/3, 9/4, 7/2, and 21/5 are given.
To find,
We have to find the smallest whole number which is exactly divisible by 3/2, 4/3, 9/4, 7/2, 21/5.
The smallest whole number that is exactly divisible by 3/2, 4/3, 9/4, 7/2, 21/5 is 252.
We can simply find the smallest whole number which is exactly divisible by 3/2, 4/3, 9/4, 7/2, 21/5 by taking the LCM of the given fractions,
= 3/2 , 4/3 , 9/4 , 7/2 , 21/5
= 90/60 , 80/60 , 135/60 , 210/60 , 252/60
Taking LCM of the numerator, we get 15120
= 15120/60
= 252
Hence, the smallest whole number that is exactly divisible by 3/2, 4/3, 9/4, 7/2, 21/5 is 252.