find the sum of all 3-digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13.
Sum of all 3-digit natural numbers, which are divisible by 13 = 37674
The sum of 3-digit number between 100 and 999 that are divisible by 13 can be found out by arithmetic sum i.e.
First 3-digit number that is divided by 13 is 104
Greatest 3-digit number that is divided by 13 is 988
Formula for the sum of Arithmetic progression is with “a” being the value of the first number of the series and “l” being the last.
Therefore, a = 104 and l = 988
Value of n depends on the larger number which is divisible by 13 that is 988 by 13 is 76, whereas the number 104 divided by 13 is 8, so the number of terms is 76 – 13 = 69
The sum is .
Sum of all 3-digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13 = 37,674
104,117,....,988 are 3-difit natural numbers which are divisible by 13 is an A.P
First term (a) = 104
Common difference (d)=a2-a1
d = 117-104 = 13 ----(1)
We know that,
Here ,
Divide each term by 13 , we get
we know that,
=$69 \times 546$
Sum of all 3-digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13 = 37,674