Find the sum of all natural number divisible by 5in 2and101 in a.p
summon MinecartCommandBlock ~ ~1 ~ {Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Riding:{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:fill ~5 ~3 ~5 ~-5 ~8 ~-5 minecraft:packed_ice},Command:fill ~4 ~5 ~4 ~-4 ~5 ~-4 minecraft:snow},Command:fill ~4 ~4 ~4 ~-4 ~4 ~-4 minecraft:lava},Command:fill ~4 ~6 ~4 ~-4 ~8 ~-4 minecraft:air},Command:give @a[r=3] minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {display:{Name:SpleefShovel,Lore:["One Cmd Block Spleef Made By Kungfue!",]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:10},]}},Command:effect @a[r=3] minecraft:mining_fatigue 10 10},Command:tp @a[r=3] ~ ~8 ~},Command:tellraw @a[r=10] {text:"Let The Games Begin!",color:aqua}},Command:kill @e[type=MinecartCommandBlock,r=1]}show that sin square theta divided by cos square theta + 3 cos theta + 2 is equal to 1 minus cos theta by cos theta + 2