find the value of k for which the quadratic equation (K + 1) x2 - 6 ( K + 1) X + 3 (K + 9 ) = 0,k=/ -1 has equal roots
Please ignore the messy work. Hope it helps you!

Discriminant of
where is an even number of a linear term :
Let discriminant .
As the quadratic equation has equal roots, .
∴ or
As , the value of
is 3.
(+ Did you know?)
------------------------------ But why is ? ------------------------------
Apply quadratic formula to equation .
Two roots are .
We know that discriminant comes from the square root.
If the number '' is 0, we will always have
as double solution.
So in this situation, is the discriminant.
As mentioned above, if you want to get the double solution,
you don't have to solve the quadratic equation again.
Simply apply after finding
. This will save great amount of time.
In this question, ,
Hence, the double solution is 3!!!
. A N S W E R S . W I T H . Q U A L I T Y .
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