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1] Explore
2] Concern
3] Bias -
4] Derived -
5] Admire -
Explore-to travel around a place, etc. in order to learn about it
किसी जगह के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए उसका भ्रमण करना, खोजयात्रा करना
Concern worried and feeling concern about something
किसी के लिए चिंतित और परेशान
Bias Bias, prejudice mean a strong inclination of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. A bias may be favorable or unfavorable: bias in favor of or against an idea.
Derived to get something (especially a feeling or an advantage) from something
किसी से कुछ (विशेषतः कोई भावना या भौतिक लाभ) प्राप्त करना
Admire to respect or like somebody/something very much; to look at somebody/something with pleasure
किसी के प्रति आदर व प्रशंसा का भाव रखना; किसी को प्रिय दृष्टि से देखना
Hope it will help you dear
1) Explore:
to travel around a place, etc. in order to learn about it.
2) Concern:
to affect or involve somebody/something.
3) Bias:
a strong feeling of favour towards or against one group of people, or on one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement or facts.
4) Derived:
to get something (especially a feeling or an advantage) from something.
5) Admire:
to respect or like somebody/something very much; to look at somebody/something with pleasure