English, asked by doublewarrior100, 10 months ago

FIND THE WORD MEANING IN GIVEN PASSAGE ------- 1) buying and selling(para 1) 2) community(para 2) 3) example (para2)
Read the following passage and answer the question that follow :::: 1) what is trade and how did it begin ? Today you see large shops and it is so easy to go inside them and by what you want but do you ever think where the things you buy come from ? You may buy a woolen shawl in shop in your city it may have come all the way from Kashmir and the world may have grown on the backs of sheep in the mountains of Kashmir Ladakh a watch that you buy me have come in sheeps and Railways all the way from Japan also you made by things made in America China or Paris or London Greate ships are always carrying the goods of one country to another but it was not always so.
2) in the early days when men settle down there was little trade everything that a man wanted he had to grow in self or make himself sometime it must have happened that one tribe had a great deal of one thing and other a great deal of something else hit by natural for them to exchange good for example tribe might give a call for a bag of green there was no money in those days things could only be exchanged so exchange begin it must have been rather inconvenient to get a bag of green or something else like it one had to carry a cow or maybe a couple of ship


Answered by shinchan12310

1) trade


3)sorry i didn't get.

shinchan12310: Please mark me as brainliest
Answered by palakhanduja32
(1) buying and selling- trade
(2) community-tribe
(3) example- something else

hope it helps.
please mark it as brainliest.

palakhanduja32: hey something else is correct for example because both have common synonym illustrous
palakhanduja32: and also menifestation is common synonym
palakhanduja32: please mark it as brainliest.
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