find words which mean the following from the above sentences ;to make someone upset or angry ,decayed ;something to can no longer be used ,completely filled ,a hard hit with a heavey object
plz mark me as a brainliest
Feeling surprised or shocked
surprised ADJECTIVE
having the feeling that you get when something unexpected happens
very offended or embarrassed by something that you consider immoral
very surprised
speechless ADJECTIVE
so surprised, upset, or angry that you cannot think of anything to say
astonished ADJECTIVE
very surprised about something that you did not expect
astounded ADJECTIVE
extremely surprised or shocked
thunderstruck ADJECTIVE
very surprised or shocked
staggered ADJECTIVE
very surprised and shocked
at a loss for words PHRASE
not knowing what to say, especially because you are very surprised or shocked
lost for words PHRASE
to be so surprised, shocked etc that you do not know what to say
Feeling surprised or shock es
surprised adjective
having the feeling that you get when something
un expected happens
shocked adjective
very offendedor embarrassed by something that you did not expect
astound adjective
extremely surprised or shocked
the understruck adjective
very surprised and sticker
at a loss for words phrase
not knowing what do sau,especially because you are very surprised or shocked
lost for word phrase to be so surprised,shocked etc that you do not know what do say.