English, asked by Rishi9988, 1 year ago

First reported speech



Answered by Anonymous

AnswEr :-

The wife suggested to her husband (a) that he must consult the doctor. The husband said (b) that he was all right and asked (c) her what the need was. The wife said (d) that he did not look very well and requested him (e) to go and see the doctor that day.

Extra Information :-

The points mentioned below are to be noted when we deal with the Direct and Indirect forms of narration :-

※ Always remember to enclose the direct speech within inverted commas.

Never change the tense of the reporting verb.

※ If the verb inside the inverted commas is about a Universal truth, don't change the tense.

If the reporting verb is in Present tense or Future tense, don't change the tense.

» The following are  changed according to these certain rules if direct speech is to be changed into Indirect speech :-

→ Tenses

→ Personal and Possessive pronouns

→ Words denoting nearness of time and nearness of position

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