Science, asked by FAzz122, 8 months ago

Five people A, B, C, D and E are seated about a round table. Every chair is spaced equidistant from adjacent chairs.

(i) C is seated next to A
(ii) A is seated two seats from D
(iii) B is not seated next to A
Which of the following must be true?

(I) D is seated next to B
(II) E is seated next to A
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

I only
II only
Both I and II
Neither I nor II


Answered by Anonymous


♣ The correct option is C.


☺ The arrangement is in circular table.

♠ C is seated next to A

♦ Conclusion: -AC- or -CA-

♠ A is seated two seats from D

♦ Conclusion: A-D or D-A

♠ B is not seated next to A

♦ Conclusion: E must be next to A.

Combining, ACDBEA

Answered by snehadhikari


both 1 and 2 are right


according to question on a round table C is seated next to A,D is seated next to C

B is seated next to D,E is seated next to B

in this case both are right

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