Flight and swarm is used for butterflies collective noun
A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things takentogether as one whole in a descriptive way. Some nouns are by definition collective nouns such as crowd , herd , or bouquet , words for groups. Some nouns can sometimes function ascollective nouns or not: "Please set the table ." (not a collective noun) or "a table of contents" (a collective noun). And some nouns are usedas collective nouns because people like the way they sound or theway they color the image of a group; for example, "a stand of flamingos" and "a flamboyance of flamingos". Both are standard collective nounsfor flamingos. Some examples are: . an army of ants . a bouquet of flowers . a band of gorillas . a class of students . a den of thieves . a fleet of cars . a gang of hoodlums . a team of players The plural form of the collective noun is used when there are twoor more groups: . books of matches . bouquets of flowers . bunches of bananas . classes of students . fleets of cars . teams of players