Biology, asked by shreyamore045, 9 months ago

floral diagram of family fabaceae


Answered by yash168966


Floral diagram of Fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceaeImage of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceae

Image of floral diagram of family fabaceae

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Floral characters

Calyx: Five sepals, gamosepalous; valvate aestivation. Corolla: Five petals, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation. Androecium: Five stamens, epipetalous; anthers basifixed. Gynoecium: Syncarpous, bicarpellary, bilocular, superior ovary, axile placentation.

Answered by Nandzzz


Refer the above attachment

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