History, asked by pradeeprao143, 11 months ago

For whiling away time at home, solve this.......

These are a few Indian States and Cities guess and name them......❓
1- Face
2- Unmarried Girl
3- No Zip
4- Go and Come
5- Answer place
6- G reen Gate
7- King's Coat
8- Snake earth
9- Make Juice
10-Mr. City
11-rhythm of eyes
12-elephant a night
13-large state
14-mom's maid
15-do acting

Genius people dimaag lagao.........

1- Surat​


Answered by priyanshi760


1) surat

2) kerla

3) chennai


Answered by skyfall63

These are a few Indian States and Cities guess and name them......❓


1. Surat - सूरत (गुजरात); Face = सूरत (face)

2. Kanyakumari - कन्याकुमारी (तमिलनाडु); कन्या(Girl)+कुमारी(Unmarried)

3. Chennai - चेन्नई (तमिलनाडु); चेन(zip)+नहीं(no)

4. Goa - गोवा [राज्य]; गो(go)+आ(come)

5. Uttar Pradesh - उत्तर प्रदेश [राज्य]; Answer (उत्तर)+State (राज्य)

6. Haridwar - हरिद्वार (उत्तराखंड); हरि (Green)+द्वार (Gate)  

7. Rajkot - राजकोट (गुजरात); राज (king)+कोट (coat)

8. Nagaland -नागपुर(महाराष्ट्र)

9. Banaras - बनारस(उत्तर प्रदेश); बनाना(make)+रस (Juice)

10. Srinagar - श्रीनगर (जम्मू और कश्मीर);श्री (sri)+नगर(city)

11. Nainital - नैनीताल (उत्तराखंड); नैन(eyes)+ताल(rhythm)

12. Gujarat - गुजरात (राज्य); (elephant)+रात (night)

13. Maharashtra - महाराष्ट्र (राज्य);महा(large)+राष्ट्(city)

14. Mumbai - मुंबई (महाराष्ट्र)- Mum+बाई (bhai/servant/maid)

15. Karnataka - कर्नाटक (राज्य); कर/करना (do)+नाटक(acting)

To know more

there is a puzzle after every 8 page. if there are 176 pages in book ...


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