foreign accounts of ancient indian history
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Very famous are two reports, which testify the “medieval” decadence of the post-Gupta age in India. The first was written by a Chinese Buddhist pilgrim, Yuan Chwang ( or Hsuan Tsang), who visited in India between 629 and 641 CE.
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foreign accounts gives information about ancient Indian Trade, life system, tourism, cities, education and social & political life/ruler
there are Roman, Chinese, Arabian, yunani travelling accounts which gives more information about mention topics.
- yunan and Roman authors = in this category Herodotus and ticias gives detail about sikander, sikander inventions, their troops, their warfares and their account
- magesthenis = 'indica' named book gives us more information about Sikander then Mauryan Empire
- it's important b'coz it gives factual data about Indian political system Nd more.
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