English, asked by 246573, 4 months ago

Forest are the important part of the civilization. They not only form a considerable portion of

the national wealth of a country, but also play an important role in maintaining the

environmental balance. Indiscriminate felling of trees to enhance city areas is a threat to our

civilization. We often forget that a peaceful, sensitive and well-balanced co-existence man-

made civilization and natural given flora and fauna is absolutely important for human

existence on earth. We forget that deforestation for urbanization project led to the destruction

of past civilizations such as Mohenjodaro. Indiscriminate felling of trees not only leaves our

planet with fewer trees but also threatens the wildlife of the region. Forest and trees have an

enormous impact on the climate as they are instrumental in drawing rain to the earth.

Deforestation results in radical changes in our climate. The overall temperature of the planet

is increasing at an alarming rate. The duration of season is fluctuating all over the world. the

rate of rainfall is decreasing day by day. the ice-cap at the Poles are melting as a result. The

amount of cultivable land is reducing as a result of deforestation and less rainfall. The future

of the planet is in trouble unless immediate attention is paid to the danger.

Thousands of species of plants and animals are fast disappearing from the face of our earth

as a result of human callousness. Forests in the mountains play an important role in

preventing erosion and landslides. Felling of trees in the hilly regions endangers the lives of

the people living there. However, the silver lining is that several people are becoming aware of

the danger. A number of environment activist groups are undertaking a campaign to save


Afforestation and preservation of wildlife can be an answer to this environmental crisis. By

planting new trees we can slowly restore the environmental balance that was disturbed by

deforestation. Though, the process is long term, yet it is sure to save our planet from

extinction. A thorough mass awareness against deforestation and preservation of wildlife is

the call of the hour. It is only through mass sensitization and participation that this aim can

be realized in future.

Answer the following questions:

a) Why are the forest an important part of the civilization?

b) What was the reason behind the decline of the Mohenjodaro civilization?

c) What role do forest and trees play?

d) Why are thousands of species of plants and animals disappearing?​


Answered by ardhraabhinav17


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